Ruh-roh, screwed up the epoxy mix

Sun 30 June 2013 by Cory Cross

I went to add more fillets today and noticed yesterday's were still squishy. Ruh-roh. I haven't used this epoxy before and thought maybe the cool temperature just makes it take a long time (though unlikely). So I carefully made up another batch, added more fillets, and it set within a …

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They aren't the prettiest fillets ever

Sat 29 June 2013 by Cory Cross

Okay, next time I'm going to start with the fillets at the bottom of the boat. Because when reaching down to the bottom I wiped my arm across the ones at the top. Yuck!

They aren't pretty, but they're hopefully functional.

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My airplane's last flight

Thu 27 June 2013 by Cory Cross

As a kid I always wanted to have an r/c airplane. My dad and I bought one but never finished it.

We finally flew one a couple weeks ago. Every time the plane landed though, it broke a little more. We had a few layers of duck tape holding …

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Stitching the bottom in

Sat 22 June 2013 by Cory Cross

Complex curves are hard.

As the bow curves upward, the bottom pieces slope upward (downward in these pictures since it is upside-down) in a complex 3-dimensional curve. I started trimming the front to match the curve, and I couldn't get them to bend or line up worth a damn, so …

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First Bow's Rear Bulkhead

Thu 20 June 2013 by Cory Cross

So I glued up the reinforcing pieces of 3/4" (so-called 1") thick, 1.7" inch wide pieces of pine to the inside of the rear bulkhead. There'll be 1/2" holes through this where I'll bolt 1/2" SS bolts through to lock the hulls together.

The day before …

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First Bow

Wed 19 June 2013 by Cory Cross

I intend to scan in my plans, but for now you'll have to observe the results!

I'm building a roughly 16'-long aft-mast catamaran that comes apart into pieces no longer than 8', so it fits inside my van. It will eventually be amphibious using bicycle wheels.

My understanding is the …

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First post

Mon 17 June 2013 by Cory Cross

Creating site for putting up the progress of my boat construction, and later other info.

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